
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Pet Regiment

The fun thing about sharing with you my progress so far is that I get to re-read Rosemary's book! I've read the diary entries twice and when I work on my blog postings, I read the entry a third time. I find the diary entries fascinating and don't mind re-reading them. Rebecca Loraine Richmond was very involved in the Ladies Aid Society in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is known for her very detailed diary entries from the Civil War era. In this entry she writes in detail about bidding goodbye to the Third Regiment, 'Our Pet Regiment'.
Again, I used fabric similar to what is featured in Rosemary's book. 
'Pet Regiment'
June 13, 1861

Have a wonderful week!  Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr.

I will be working on 'Bull Run' out of Rosemary's book next. Hope that you have a great weekend! I'm hoping to spend some time in my studio quilting today.

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!
Check out Rosemary's website.  Her books and Cd's can be ordered there too!

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