
Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Nobel Third

Another block done on my Civil War Quilt. This one is called 'The Noble Third'. Rebecca Loraine Richmond was very active in the Ladies Aid Society. Many of her diary entries describes in great detail about the ceremonies and the parades that were held for the Third Regiment.

I chose fabrics that were very close to what Rosemary used in her book. I'm finding my huge Civil War stash to be shy of the right kinds of blues and reds that are needed for some of these blocks. I'm trying really hard not to purchase anymore Civil War style fabric until I'm done with this project. (if you saw my bin of Civil War fabric, you would totally understand...)

'The Nobel Third'
June 3, 1861

Have a wonderful week!  Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr.

I will be working on 'Soldiers Ladies Aid Society' out of Rosemary's book next. Hope that you have a great weekend! The Minnesota State Fair starts next week! I can't wait to go... I love seeing the quilts that are on display. I'm also looking forward to some cheese curds and sharing some fun with my family!

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!
Check out Rosemary's website.  Her books and Cd's can be ordered there too!

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