
Sunday, August 30, 2015

The End of Our Shop Hopping....

 Before starting our quilt retreat weekend, we had two more quilt shops to visit on our shop hop. Both of these shops are in Rochester. 
We found this sign funny, chalk it up to exhaustion from shop hop....
I'm breaking the law, I've stopped and am standing by this ridiculous sign.
It's also a horrible picture of me.... ack!
Quilting Cupboard in Rochester....
It's a great shop to visit, but shhhh not allowed to take
pictures inside... :(
I found this fun fabric at Quilting Cupboard, they had an awesome quilt and
kitchen towels using this fabric. I'm planning on making towels for my oldest son.
I think he'll really like the design of the fabric. 
Row by row block from Quilting Cupboard
I think it is fabulous! The picture doesn't do it justice, love the crystal eye on the whale.
Our last stop... Pine Needles.
I'm too delirious at this point to take any pictures.
I'm just thrilled that we completed the SE corner of Minnesota.

The SE corner of the state had some fabulous deals during shop hop and I participated in purchasing several of the deals.
It was fun to meet the owners and spend time with mom and Laura. 
 I enjoy shop hops... I always come home feeling inspired. Each shop has it's own flavor and ideas. Of coarse make sure to have some extra cash on hand when you set off to visit the shops, there's always some pretty fabric or patterns to pick up.  Hope you enjoyed my little tour of the SE corner. If you live in Minnesota, make sure to take some time to visit these great shops.

Map of the SE corner

I'm off to go do some sewing and sort thru my goodies I brought home from hopping around.
Happy quilting,

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