
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ice Cream!

Wilson and I will be going to McDonald's for vanilla ice cream cones today in celebration of our 6th Anniversary. It's been such a fun journey so far. I've learned a lot, met so many wonderful quilters so far. It's been a very exciting year with several really awesome opportunities. My patterns are now available thru Connecting Threads (I love their fabric and thread), quilt shops can now find my patterns thru a couple of new distributors, and shhhh there's a magazine that will be publishing a block of mine. (Announcement coming soon.) It's been a super busy year and I have lots of people to thank! Thank you Lynn and Laura for folding, stuffing and always being willing to help. Thank you Colleen and mom, you are my cheerleaders! And thank you, my quilty followers for your sweet comments and taking the time to work on my quilty designs. I am certainly looking forward to all that is to come! I once again vow to continue to design and share with you as long as I can hold a pencil and work with needle and thread. Wilson and I celebrating today with vanilla ice cream cones and pass some savings onto you, our wonderful quilty friends. 25% off with coupon code CAKE4, in my ETSY shop only.

Happy Quilting,

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary....enjoy your ice cream!
    Blogger is not playing well for me sometimes, so I will leave my address....
