
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July's Block ~

July's block is here! Another of my favorite things, our annual trip to the cabin. I am looking forward to a blissful week spent lakeside. A week spent with my family, lazy days spent fishing, laughing with my sisters, eating smores, and swimming. My favorite thing is spending time in the hammock reading. Hubby is cleaning the boat up, I'm thinking about what quick meals to make.  I always make a huge batch of monster cookies. (the kids love them!) The boys have taken time off... can't wait! This is our 25th year going to the cabin. John was three the first time we went. I had to include some pictures from the lake to share with you...

This month's pattern is available for FREE HERE! and also HERE

A printable supply list can be found HERE!

Cutting instructions and quilt construction for the quilt can be found HERE!

There's a flicker group!  Please join...Every month post photos of your Quilt Doodle BOM finishes in the BOM flicker group for a chance to win that month's prize! I'm looking forward to seeing all of the different cakes and gardens! July's prize is pretty awesome... can't wait to tell you about it on the 15th.

If you want to be added to the email reminder list... send me your email.

The next block pattern will be posted on August1st!  The winner for the July's block will be announced on August 1st also. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's Cabin's! Now onto our winner...

sh3 rmh!

Please email me your address so that I can
send your prize out to you.

Happy quilting,

Don't forget to grab the button too and post on your blog! The more the merrier! The code for the button can be found below.

grab button for Quilt Doodle Doodles

<div class="quilt-doodle-doodles-button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="Quilt Doodle Doodles" width="200" height="200" /> </a> </div>


  1. Thank you, Cindy and Wilson! This block is cute.
    Happy Independence Day! Hope you have a fun weekend with family and friends.

  2. this is such a cute block, thanks for sharing. looks like you have a great time up at the cabin. have fun this year.

  3. Thank you Cindy - I'm lovin' these monthly blocks! And thank you for sharing your family photos with us - looks like you have a wonderful time making memories at that cabin. <3

  4. Thanks Cindy..cutie patootie nice of you to share your talents with us.
