
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Glass of Wine and a Jelly Roll....

Ever have a day you just need to totally de-stress from? Who doesn't.... we all do, right? I don't even really live a very stressful life. I get to spend my summer doing my favorite things, quilting and gardening. Wilson naps all day and doesn't really bark for too much. Boys are all gone working... But sometimes I just want to lock myself in my sewing room and feel like I can accomplish something, from start to finish. Which I don't feel like I've been very good at lately. I'm really good at drawing ideas up, starting project, but finish a project. Humpf.... haven't finished anything lately. What started this silliness? Well, I went to the fabric store to buy some fabric to kit up some more Quilt Doodle kits and the sweet sales clerk tells me that they have a Moda Jelly Roll marked down to $20. Twenty bucks.... twenty buck a roos.... super cheap.... super duper deal and super cute. I can't resist. But then I get home and have total buyers remorse since I don't know what I'm going to do with it! It's pretty, is full of pink.  PINK... so pretty, so girlie.... sooooo pink.... Now this is a delimma. I have a family of BOYS... aka... now MEN. Anti pink at our house.... my hubbie prefers neutral.  I've made a couple of pretty pink-ish quilts.... they are rolled up gathering dust in my quilt basket. I love them... but no one uses them. Pink.... too pink.... manly men can't won't use a pink girlie girl quilt. Time for wine and some you-tube quilt videos... Jelly Rolls, I never really know what to do with jelly rolls.... more wine.... Jenny at Missouri Star Quilt Company will know what to do. I love her videos.... so I watch a few Jelly Roll Race videos... and drink more wine....

I Love this color combo...

I really like the Jelly Roll Race II quilt. So cute! Love the little squares. A good twist on a jelly roll race quilt. Yes, this will work with my cute jelly roll... I can whip this quilt top out in no time. But wait, I don't think I can sew a straight seam right now. Oh succotash! No drinking and using a rotary cutter or sewing machine... time to make some coffee...

Happy quilting,


  1. You need a pink quilt - you need pink - you need to make a pink quilt.

  2. Oh Lordy....Cindy...I am doing the very same thing tonight....LARGE glass of wine and a date with a jelly roll. I am an empty nester, and hubby had to work a 13 hour shift. (i KNOW!) I'm a teacher on summer seriously....I love this time in my studio....I am zooming through a jelly roll tonight and a half of bottle of are in good company!!!

  3. PS pour yourself another glass of wine and make the jelly roll or not...someday you'll have daughter in laws who will appreciate the pink!! :) :)

  4. Jenny's videos are so fun and inspiring. Your quilt will be sweet.
    I got an email from Pinterest saying we were twins 😀 too funny! I'm sure it's true that I like a lot of the same things as you...starting with Wilson and your cute designs.

  5. lol!!!! I can't wait to see the end results. ;-)

  6. Lol!!! I loved this post! I love my wine too! Jelly rolls are fun!,,, can't wait to see the finished product!!!

  7. That's too funny! Lol I'm sitting outside of a fabric store waiting for my husband to come get me. I laughed out loud! It's a good thing no one is around me. Lol

    I love Jenny's videos. I'm going to check out this new jelly roll race video!

    Have fun!

  8. Cindy, I *so* resemble this! I use 'wine time' to dream up projects, never for execution of projects :-) Coming from a male-heavy household (and even my daughter doesn't like pink!), I'm saving some pink & brown jelly roll strips for a scrappy 4 patch quilt just for me. I just loved your post!

  9. I love the jelly roll and pinks. I had four grandsons and finally have a granddaughter. I haven't made her a thing. Someone else was making quilts for here and her momma was giving some of the quilts to my son to keep at his place. Obviously, she had no idea what she had in her possession. How great to look to Jenny for an idea. I love to watch her videos, get inspired, and accomplish nothing. Thanks for a fun post.
