
Friday, June 26, 2015

Winner... Winner.... Chicken dinner....

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.... we'll not a chicken dinner but I have winners for my 'Spring Blooms' pattern. Thank you to everyone who left sweet comments about their favorite coffee or tea. So many yummy ways to drink coffee and tea. I meant to post this sooner but I was determined to read all of the sweet comments and try to email everyone back. If I missed emailing you, do know that I appreciate your lovely comments and am so grateful for all my followers. 

And the winner's are...... drum roll please....... (Wilson is pawing throught the 
entries......) The winner's are...... (Thank you Wilson!)

I like my coffee with a single cream, but my tea has to be black or with lemon. Thanks

I collet Bee's. I like a little coffee with my cream, LOL
I love loose tea, with honey, when it cool enough to drink it. 
I love your pattern.

Winner's have been emailed, Congratulations!!!

There are more chances to win goodies from Quilt Doodle Designs... remember if you are working on the BOM 2015, post those blocks for monthly chances to win all sorts of quilty fun! Such as gift certificates to the Fat Quarter Shop, Fat quarter bundles etc.....

Happy quilting,

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