
Monday, June 8, 2015

Quilt Market 2015

I had so much fun at quilt market this year. The dust is finally starting to settle a bit so I thought I would do a little recap for you... 
When I first arrived at the convention center, there was nothing but concrete floors, crates and lot of fork lifts buzzing around.... within a couple  of  days it was a full blown quilt market....
This was my first quilt market, I have sent samples with my distributor the last four years... since market was in Minneapolis, my home town, it would be silly not to go. I was such a newbie... OMG so much to learn. It was like getting ready for a wedding or graduation.  A ka-zillion details to remember. When I first got to the convention center and found my space I remember thinking, 'what did I get myself into'. But that melted away as soon as Lynn and I got to work hanging drapery, constructing the floor etc. There was little time to worry about all of the hub bub going on around me. 
My Booth... 
Sample Spree 2015
Quilt Market, Minneapolis 2015
I learned a lot while I was there and will change a few things. I will make sure to have a make and take next time, I will plan on signing up to do a school house demo... I'll have chocolate on hand for all my visitors. I will also participate in the button promo. I'm really glad I put together a sample pack of patterns to sell directly from my booth. That seemed to be a big hit. I had all NEW items in my booth and didn't bring anything that was over a year old. Next time I will display some of the popular older things too. I also want to have a rack full of patterns on display to buy right from my booth. (Boxes of patterns under the table was a hassle to pull patterns from.) Sample Spree,,, I'm on the fence about sample spree. It was fun, a total zoo! It was successful for me, a lot of extra work. I would have to do more samples. My samples flew off the table at my super low price. (My goal was to get samples out to the shops for future pattern sales.) Sample spree flies by like a whirlwind. Really made for a late night for those of us who need to be fresh as a daisy the next morning. Let me just say there wasn't enough coffee the next morning for me. We were running on caffeine and adrenaline the next few days.

Will I do market again? You bet I will! It was a fantastic experience. I couldn't have done it without the help of my friend, Lynn and my sister Laura. They were awesome and kept me focused. Reminded me to eat, took notes, kept the paperwork organized. Sent me out on the last day to browse around and meet 'my' people. I know they had a fabulous time too.

Now I haven't touched my sewing machine since market. My studio is still trashed from getting ready for this event... today I am cleaning and organizing my space in hopes to have some quilty fun tomorrow. I'm looking forward to posting some quilty fun for you all this summer. Start some new projects, wrap up some ufo's. Most of all I look forward to sharing it all with you.

Happy quilting,

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your first market and it sounds like you had a wonderful time! I hope lots of new stores pick up your patterns! I didn't know that there was a Sample Spree, that really sounds interesting!
