
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Quilt Market 2015


I am thrilled that I am on my way to set up my booth at International Quilt Market. I can't believe it's time to pack my truck and drive to the Convention Center in Minneapolis to set up! I've been so busy getting ready, I have a ton of new patterns and all of my samples are made and ready for display. With a lot of help from my family and friends, I think I've got everything done. I sorta compare it to getting ready for a graduation or wedding, there's so many details. I'm looking forward to sharing with you details about market over this week. I am planning on blogging every night. I really don't know what to expect, but I'm sure it will be so much fun, and I'm looking forward to sharing it all with you. From set up to tear down and all of the quilty fun in between! 

Happy quilting,

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