
Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday! In celebration I am offering 50% off in my Etsy Store, but you will need the coupon code ~birthday~ 

I am planning a quiet day since it's raining outside, there will be no planting the garden for me this weekend. Oh well, I'll putz with it during the week as soon as the weather gets better. I do plan on relaxing and watching the all day marathon of Blue Bloods on TV. I love Tom Selleck... It's awesome that they planned an all day marathon just for me! lol.... I will also be working on a few follow up emails and thank you notes from my visit to quilt market. (I have finally caught up on my sleep!) 

Since I will be planted in my comfy chair and glued to the tv... I will work on a needlepunch project that I started a while ago... hope to get it done for my sister's birthday. This is funny because I started this project years ago. I mean Y-E-A-R-S ago.... I'm determined to get them done this year.

I'm making a set of these.... they're adorable when done....
little mitten ornaments for the Christmas Tree,
Have a wonderful Memorial Day and I hope that you find some time to do something just for you!
If you're a Tom Selleck fan, you can join me and watch the 'Blue Bloods' marathon on the ION station...

Happy quilting,


  1. Happy Birthday!
    I hope you enjoy your day and sometimes a quiet day at home is the best way to spend the day;)


  2. Sounds like a sweet day planned! Happy Birthday to you :-)

  3. Happy and amazing birthday to you !

  4. Happy birthday Cindy! And thank you!

  5. Hope you have a great and restive birthday

  6. I hope you enjoy your day! Happy Birthday!

  7. Hope you have a wonderful Birthday Cindy! Happy hooking or I guess I should say punching.. giggles.

  8. Liebe Cindy,
    herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag.Ich freue mich Grüße zu senden. Ich habe im Mai dein großes Land bereist und bin erst am Samstag wieder in Deutschland.
    Ich bin sehr erstaunt und habe viel gesehen.
    Herzliche Grüße
