
Thursday, April 30, 2015

May's Block! My Favorites!

May, one of my favorite month's of the year for so many different reasons. I get to play in my garden again, nothing makes me happier (besides quilting) then playing in the dirt and planting flowers and tending to my gardens. It's also my birthday this month. (Although it doesn't have the same charm as the number gets bigger.... lol) With birthdays, comes cake! I'm looking forward to having some cake. This month is also special because it will be my first time displaying at International Quilt Market. I'm very excited to have a booth (#225) and shhhh the 'My Favorite Things' BOM quilt will be on display in my booth. If you're at the show in Minneapolis stop by and say 'Hi'! I am looking forward to meeting you!

I made my cake a chocolate cake with white frosting. I sorta wish
I would have 'lined' my white fabric so that the brown doesn't show so much.
Hind sight is 20/20...
Using my buttonhole stitch on my machine, I stitch around my cake
design. This is a great applique and would be so cute used on a
table runner.
My Birthday Cake! Have fun adding your embellishments.
You can use fun buttons, or use colorful beads for confetti....
Stitching around the flowers....
I plan on sewing a 'flight line' for the bee, sorta like
a curly cue trail behind the bee, after I get the quilt quilted.
 I'm not sewing any of the embellishments on until after I quilt the quilt.
 I find it helpful to put my buttons in a zippie bag 

This month's pattern is available for FREE HERE! and also HERE

A printable supply list can be found HERE!

Cutting instructions and quilt construction for the quilt can be found HERE!

This quilt can be done scrappy if you want to bust your fabric stash. Remember each month I will offer a NEW block and it will be FREE for that month, as soon as the next block comes out, past blocks will be available for a small fee.... past blocks can be found in my Etsy and Craftsy shops. They are PDF instant downloads. After all of the BOM sections are presented I will have a complete pattern set available.

There's a flicker group!  Please join...Every month post photos of your Quilt Doodle BOM finishes in the BOM flicker group for a chance to win that month's prize! I'm looking forward to seeing all of the different cakes and gardens! May's prize is pretty awesome... can't wait to tell you about it on the 15th.

May's Layout

If you want to be added to the email reminder list... send me your email.

The next block pattern will be posted on May 1st!  The winner for the April's block will be announced on May 1st also. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's bird houses! Now onto our winner...

sh2_rmh please email me your address
so I can send you your awesome prize!

Happy quilting,

Don't forget to grab the button too and post on your blog! The more the merrier! The code for the button can be found below.

grab button for Quilt Doodle Doodles

<div class="quilt-doodle-doodles-button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="Quilt Doodle Doodles" width="200" height="200" /> </a> </div>


  1. Thank you, Cindy! The blocks are so cute. This quilt is coming along gorgeous!

  2. What a great month for you! Happy Birthday Month! Happy Market Month! I love the cake block. The bee is adorable. I adore the idea of putting the buttons in a bag for later. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas and creativity with us.

  3. Love the blocks! Have a Happy Birthday.....

  4. Yummy! The quilt is so cute...wish I could be at market!
