
Friday, March 27, 2015


Will my yard ever be green again? Will spring ever come? I'm so tired of the white stuff that I could just hurl. I'm sure in a few months I'll be complaining that it's tooooo hot outside. The only one truely enjoying the snow is Wilson. He loves romping around in it when he goes outside. Which I have to admit, I love watching him run around in it. The down side is he's one sticky, stinky, wet, snowball when he comes in.

Spring will come, or so I hope... but in the meantime I will spend my time getting ready for Market.  It's hard to believe I'm only six weeks from International Quilt Market. (Panic is starting to set in) I have never gone, Pattern Peddlers has always represented me.... I'm very excited to go but I have so much to do.  I have a giant list that I have been slowly crossing items off of.  I need to get my flooring ordered this weekend. My good friend Lynn will be over tomorrow to help me with my 'Going to Market' list. I'm printing patterns today to package tomorrow. I've got some samples that need to get done too. I also want to make a banner too for my booth.... so much to do. It's a good thing that I have some time off for Spring break. No trip to Mexico or Arizona for me.... I've got to get ready for Market! If you have ever been to Market, I would love to hear about it!

Now before I get back to my printer, I would like to announce my two winners from the Bird Tree blog hop. It was so much fun seeing everyone's bird projects. Congratulations to...

Material Girl

They won a copy of my Bluebird applique pattern!

Happy Quilting,


  1. I know how you feel and we can finally see ground again, lol.
    Now if it will stay sunny and dry up all the mud it left, I will be happy.
    My pup loves the snow, way too much and It is too cold for me;)


  2. Complaining about the heat would be welcomed at the this point. I hope it comes soon.

  3. Wilson looks like he is having a ball. I am already worrying about it being too hot. That is sad since we had flurries today. Good luck at the show!

  4. LOL! I'm with you. We don't need any more snow this spring! As far as the heat, you can say you are just commenting, not complaining. We americans always comment on the weather all the time, so say the europeans!

  5. Oh I couldn't agree more on whether or not spring will ever get here. We just moved from central TX to Chicago area and have only been here since Mar 1 and I'm sick of it! Hubby has been here since 1/3 and I've visited a couple of times. Yes, I've been to Market but only as a buyer. You'll get there and I'm sure it is so exciting to be going!

  6. Hallo Cindy,
    ich kann Dich gut verstehen. Wir hoffen auch auf Frühling, es ist nass und grau, aber Schnee haben wir nicht mehr. Ich wünsche Dir ein frohes Osterfest.
    Möge sich die Sonne zeigen.
    Herzliche Grüße aus
    Deutschland Köln
