
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Minnesota Winter Wonderland

I want to thank you all for following along this last year and also a huge Thank you to my fellow quilters that took the time to blog about their finished quilts. I am humbled and thrilled with everyone's results and am in awe with everyone's use of color and creativity. 

I designed this quilt while mourning the loss of my dad and having this project to do got me through a pretty tough year. Many of the items in this quilt remind me of dad, my first snowman was built with dad's help when we moved to New York when I was in second grade. (The first time I had ever seen snow!) Our family spent a week every summer at a cabin fishing, many great memories, so glad it's one of our traditions we still have going. I spent many mornings having coffee with dad as he worked his crossword puzzle. My last night spent with dad was watching the Christmas tree lights, (we had a bed set up in the living room... my sisters and I took turns sitting with dad at night so mom could rest.) We had the tree lights on 24-7 so that dad could enjoy the Christmas tree. So I must let you all know how grateful I am to have all of you during this last year. You all helped me out without ever really knowing it. Quilting is therapy for the soul, something special about needle and thread and quilting friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I also want to thank everyone for their lovely comments for the quilters that I hosted during the blog hop. I'm sure they were thrilled to hear from you all and loved your sweet comments.

Now onto my quilt, alas, it's still at the quilter's! She always does such a lovely job. Stacy is quilting my quilt with an over-all mitten squiggle design...  I didn't want to leave you empty handed so I made some special additions for my quilt which I have named, 'Minnesota Winter Wonderland'. 
I have a special label all ready to be sewn on the back...
A pretty pillowcase to go with my quilt....
with happy snowmen made out of a yo-yos...
Happy Quilting,

Congratulations to our winners!
Winners for the PDF copy of 'Summer Breeze' are...
'Crickets Corner'
LA Paylor
A Nudge
Needled Mom
Leslies Itichen to be Stitchin

(Winners, Please email me so that I can send you your PDF copy of Summer Breeze)

and our Grand prize winner is...
Mari - The Academic Quilter
(please email me your address)

Thank you to all of the participants!

The complete pattern set is available in my Etsy and Craftsy shops.


  1. It was a pleasure to share this QAL with you and knowing the story behind the quilt and design makes it a special quilt for all of us. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for hosting.

  2. What a touching post Cindy. and thank you for all your inspirations and generous knowledge you share.

  3. Thank you for hosting, it was so much fun to follow along. Can't believe I was one of the winners...Thank you so much! I've sent an email. Congratulations to all the other winners!

  4. This was a wonderful QAL, I enjoyed it very much! We really had a great bunch of quilters in on this one. Your reasons for this quilt pull at my heart, your father must have been a very special man!

  5. You are so generous to design and offer a free BOM each year! What a wonderful quilt and even more special for you with all the memories of your dad stitched right in. I'm always interested in updates on Wilson. Let us know how he like the winter weather. :-)

  6. Congratulations to the winners. Thanks so much for the 2014 BOM. I love the design and enjoyed making this quilt.
