
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Lincolnites Whipped

 When I first started this blog, I started a 'Civil War Saturday' group in hopes it would  motivate me to work on this huge project and also give me something fun to share with you.  Well, again, I've taken a huge break or breather from this project...  It's been awhile since I've worked on my Civil War Diary quilt. (almost a year) I spent time sewing on my blocks during quilt retreat a few weeks ago. I'm looking forward to sharing my progress with you. In fact, I only worked on my Civil War Quilt during retreat, I'm really pleased with how far I got... still have so much more to do. But the exciting thing is, I'm over half way! woot! woot! Happy dance!!! Wilson, how about a roo-roo-roo! Half way!!! 

So let me show you my block titled, 'Lincolnites Whipped'... so what is a Lincolnite. Well a Lincolnite is a follower of Abraham Lincoln and his policies. Lincolnites support/serve the 'northern' side of the Civil War.

Here are the fabrics I'm working with for this block...
Paper piecing appears 'messy' until you trim your sections...
Sewing along the 'line' for the seam, sewing sections together.
It's so different not having to pay attention to my quarter inch
seam, it's all drawn out for me on the foundation paper!
'Lincolnites Whipped'
May 10, 1864
Have a wonderful week! Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr.

I will be working on 'Love Letter' out of Rosemary's book next. Hope that you have a great weekend! I've survived my first week back at school... time to rest up. It great to see the kids again and see how much they've grown over the summer! I need to work on a routine and get back to juggling being a library clerk and quilt pattern designer....

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!
Check out Rosemary's website.  Her books and Cd's can be ordered there too!


  1. I like the pink fabric. I think it is one I used to have and put into a quilt top which was sold.

  2. I like the prints you used in that block!

  3. Cindy, I haven't worked on my CW Diary blocks in the last two years. I remember reading your blog entries on this project oh so long ago. It's never too late to go back and pick up an older project. It was the CWD blocks that taught me to paper piece.

  4. Great block, sometimes it's fun to take a breather from a project, it makes it more fun to go back to it. Can't wait to see more Civil War Saturdays
