
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunflowers Fields

Sunflower Fields
When I was a kid, every summer was spent at my Grandma and Grandpa's farm in North Dakota. Back in  70's I remember fields of sunflowers and wheat. It is burned into my memory how golden it was. It was a golden time in my childhood.... lazy mornings waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs, homemade sweet rolls,  4th of July fireworks, family barbecues, kittens, homemade cookies and grandma's apples and banana salad. I can always count on inspiration from my childhood and memories, so I have yet a new pattern, capturing the golden fields of sunflowers and the waves of golden wheat fields.

I am in need of a few testers... because...
I've been staring at this the last 8 hours....
and since I was staring at a computer screen the last 8 hours...
I had a couple of these.... 
So who knows what grammer errors and mistakes I'm missing as I proof read.... I need help. So if you are interested in testing my new pattern. Email me, I would love to hear from you. Before you join in the fun, let me tell you a little about this pattern...... it is written for three sizes, lap, double and king....(king sized is pictured) no you don't need to make all three... just one.  It's meant to be a scrappy quilt, so using your fabric stash is permitted, (you don't have to go out and buy fabric if you don't want to.) Just make sure the fabric you pull from your collection matches the amounts that I specify. There's a bit of applique in this quilt.... not only the leaves and stems but there are little bumble bees too... my little signature bee that has shown up on a project or two in the past. Can't have flowers without the bumble bees.... love them. Also.... You need to commit to have the quilt top done within a couple of weeks. It doesn't have to be quilted, just the top pieced and appliqued. If you don't have time to sew, I could use a proof-reader. 

So while you are testing, I will be busy quilting this beauty... 

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Happy Quilting,


  1. I am noi a fast quilter but after 35 years in education I am rather proficient in proofreading. I would love to go over your pattern with my red pen. LOL That is a very pretty quilt!

  2. My husband is from North Dakota and I'm with you - there is nothing more beautiful than fields of sunflowers. My DH plants a row of them in our garden every year just for me! I can see them from my sewing room, and the first bloom of this year just appeared!

  3. Love your new quilt design..especially the bees :-) I love sunflowers and would love to see one of those fields in person someday. I would also love to be a tester for you but alas could not commit to getting the top completed that quickly. Too many things to do here. Thank you for the opportunity though because it would be a fun job for someone!

  4. Very pretty! Can't wait to see it quilted :)

  5. It is very pretty! I just started a quilting job and could not get the top quilted that fast, but could proof read for you.

  6. if you still need a tester, I would be glad to make a top in a couple weeks, any size.. Judy ---

  7. I've been working on the top it is almost done. I'll send pictures to your e-mail...Helen O
