
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bunnies and Chickies!

Happy Easter! I know I'm a week early but it's a week of celebrating Easter with my family and friends! The celebration starts today at mom's with Easter dinner. I'm bringing all sorts of treats, I was a busy, busy in the kitchen yesterday. I made sugar cookies, Jello jiggler eggs, Grandma Eva's mashed potatoes and this morning I got up at five and made dinner rolls. The house smells so good! So today I have some Easter fun to share....

Sugar Cookies

2/3 cups shortening
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1/4 tsp almond extract
3/4 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
4 tsp milk

Beat shortening and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add egg; beat. Add vanilla and almond extract. Mix thoroughly. Stir flour, baking powder and salt and milk into sugar-shortening mixture. Chill dough 1 hour. Roll out and cut out cookies. Bake at 375 degrees on greased baking sheet 8-10 minutes. When cool, frost and decorate with your favorite frosting.

I made a batch of baby chicks....

and a batch of bunnies... I cut mini marshmallows
in half to make the ears.

Doesn't it look festive! A plate of sweets paired up with my chickiemug rug.

I spent yesterday decorating the house too. I couldn't decide how I wanted to use my bunny mug rug, with a bunny dish...

...or paired with an egg holder and some chocolate carrots.(The pattern is available as a PDF on Etsy and Craftsy)

My sis, Gena, passed this plate to me at our Chili Cook off filled with
Scotch a roo's...

I'm passing it on to one of my sisters filled with Easter treats.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. On Thrusday I get to join a group of friends and see 'Godspell' and then celebrate Easter again on Saturday with my husband's side. I'm planning on making more chickie and bunny cookies.

Happy Easter!


  1. Your cookies look so yummy and that plate to bake it forward is a great idea! Happy early Easter to you!

  2. Well done. It looks like you have a week of hopping fun. Enjoy your cookies

  3. Hi!!! Fun!!! Fun!!! They are almost to cute to eat!!!!! No!!!!

  4. Das Gebäck ist gut gelungen und sieht lecker aus. Die Familie wird sich freuen !
    Ich wünsche frohe Ostern.und sende herzliche Grüße
    aus Köln

  5. love your sugar cookies! what a great idea! love the plate idea too. thanks for sharing....

  6. What a great idea - a Bake-It-Forward plate. All those cookies look yummy. Happy Easter to you too, Cindy.

  7. Those cookies are so cute, really nice idea for when the grandkids gets older.

