
Friday, March 28, 2014

My Corner of the World...

I have neglected my studio over the winter. When I say neglected, I mean no dusting, cleaning or straightening whats so ever. The creative mind is a messy one. I had puddles of fabric, piles of paper and loose threads everywhere. So in an attempted to gain more creative space, instead of cleaning my space, I spent a couple of days on 'Craigslist' looking for a desk, or cabinet or whatever struck my fancy to add to my space. Well, I found a fantastic desk, a beautiful white desk. It was perfect! It matched my cabinets in my room. It didn't take me long to realize, I needed to clean my room to make room for my fantastic desk.... so last night when I got home I tore my room apart, organizing this and that, wishing I was better at organizing my fabric and picking up.  I also owe my husband and son a huge Thank you for helping me pick up my desk in a slushy, wet snowstorm. As we drove home, my son held a tarp in place out the back window in the truck so that my desk stayed protected from the elements. Luckily we didn't have far to drive, he risked his bare hand and the cold for me. I should make some cookies or something like that for Thomas. 
So I took some pictures to share, proof that my room is somewhat organized from time to time. I did not take before pictures. I was too embarrassed to take before pics. Just take my word for it, my space was horrible. It was easier to pack my stuff up and go on retreat then to clean my space. How would I describe my corner of the world, well, it's more like organized chaos. So here are my after pictures.

I placed my new desk in the center of my room, forming a 'U' work space. On the right of my sewing machine is my drawing board, on the left is my new desk. I think I will like having the ironing board by the window. Having it by the window will force me to get up and move from my sewing machine.
I'm always looking for new ways to organize my supplies. I have labeled boxes and bins. I'm always looking for cute and functional ways to store things.
Does anyone have a good system to organize fabric? I'm up for suggestions...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find some time to quilt!
Happy quilting,


  1. Your post struck a chord with me. I had the fabric storage dilemma for a long time and decided to "bolt" them. I have seen this before where comic boards are used but we don't have those in Australia so I have revisited the drawing board several times. I think I have it perfected now.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  2. I love your new desk, I a looking for one too. I have no idea how to sort my fabric, right now they are in plastic tubs in the closet.

  3. Cindy,
    I use comic book boards. Buy them in packages of 50 at a comic book collector's store. Play with your fabric and you'll discover how to fold it so that you can put anywhere from 1/2 to several yards of fabric on one. One thing - if you can't put your fabric in a closet then try to place it in a spot in the room where direct sun won't reach it.

  4. The room looks good. I always have the worst time with fabric organization too.

  5. I can identify with the mess - I couldn't sweep or vacuum because there wasn't much floor to get to. I'm only about half way through my cleaning because somehow I hurt my back. So this week, with any luck, and after doing my next BoM, I'll be back to straightening up. For fabric storage I bought some of those plastic pieces to wrap your fabric on. I really like them - you can put several yards total on the large one and about 5 fat quarters on the smaller one and they fit in one of my drawers. You can see the fabrics on them if folded or lined up a certain way. They also have a little tab to hold the start of the fabric.

  6. I use office file cabinets...Each drawer holds a different color family.

  7. I have been using office file cabinets. Each drawer holds a different color of fabric. They hold a lot of weight and the drawers pull out all the way so you can see your stash!

  8. Love your studio, but you really dust it!!! LOL I guess that would be one of the last things I would, because something would get moved often enough that i wouldn't have to dust.
