
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy National Quilting Day!

 Hope you are having a wonderful day quilting! Or doing something quilty.  I'm working on a new pattern today.... shhhhh it's for Camelot Fabrics, I'm hoping to be able to tell you all about it soon! It's so very exciting! I'm also spending the morning with one of my favorite quilting buddies.... my mom! I'm looking forward to seeing the quilt that she's been working on this week. I saw it all cut out last weekend at quilt retreat.

 Oh yeah! I was at quilt retreat last weekend, and what a fun weekend it was! So on this National Quilting Day, let me share with you some of my pictures from last weekend!

Oh my gosh, there is so much snow here in Minnesota! Last weekend, the snowbanks were taller than me! It's hatd to see here, but the banks are over five feet tall!
More snow, in front of Cozy Home Quilt Retreat. I still can't get over how much snow there was.
It made parking interesting since there were 13 of us at retreat this year! (and about that many vehicles) Well, maybe that's over exaggerating... but it felt like that many cars since it was hard to park.
Laura made a cute flannel blankie for David. Laura sat across from
Mom sat to the right of me! In this picture she was busy with the quilt I get to see this weekend. She took a tiny break to smile for the camera!
And here is me... all ready to sew.
I tested out my new gnome applique and made mom a new mug rug for on her desk at home.
I'm really loving the red, turquoise combo.
I also tested out this pattern. I made a bright version of my Summer Breeze quilt. 
Laura made the quilt is some softer toned fabrics... 
I then made one using batiks from Hoffman Fabrics. Isn't it fun. The quilt is quick and easy to do and depending on your fabric choices, it looks so different each time. I feel like this is a pretty versatile pattern. Laura and I sewed these up after dinner one night. Once the fabric is cut, it's a breeze to whip together! 
Last summer, I helped out at quilt camp. This is the picnic quilt I designed for the group. Colleen pulled her's out to show me the quilting she did on it. It turned out so nicely!
Here is one of the quilts that mom got done at retreat. I love it~
I have more pictures to share! So I will post the rest in a day or two. I hope that you have a fabulous National Quilting Day and hope you find something fun to work on! I'm going to make it a quilty weekend. 

Happy quilting,


  1. With all that snow, staying inside stitching seems the perfect place to be! I love your little gnome, Cindy. He is very cute!

  2. Hi!!!!! Looks like you all had a lot of fun even with the snow!!!!! It is great you and your Mom both quilt!!!!! My mom is trying a little!!!! Well so far she has bought fabric!!!!! We are going to a club on Tuesday if the weather stays nice!!!!! Thanks for the fun!!!!!

  3. What a lot of fun, and it is great that your mom went with you! I wish my mom could go to things like that with me!

  4. Your Summer Breeze quilts are beautiful!
