
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Baptism, May 24, 1863

Cora writes about Sunday school and her lessons. Then she writes about a baptism she goes to in the evening...

"... Emma did not want to be baptized, but she submitted with a good grace... The ceremony was a lovely one, performed at sun set and by Mr. Wells. Oh I wish that I was good enough to be a member of a church and cold have Mr. Wells to baptized me if I was baptized when a baby...."

Cora also writes about being 15 in a month and writes about that's a long time to live. Average life expectancy during this time period was about 40 years old. With that in mind turning 15 was a 'long time'. I read in one article if a person lived past their childhood years then they had a good chance of living up to be 70-80 years old. Cora lived until 1939, she was 90 when she passed away.

'Baptism' is the last block of the fifth row.... 55 blocks done! Woot hoot!

I picked out purple and black fabric from by Civil War stash for the block.

Here I have the 'rows' done. They are all ready to be trimmed up
and then sewn together.

'Sewing on the line'... I'm using Carol Doak's foundation paper.
Using the companion CD for EQ I printed up my patterns on the
foundation paper. It's a little thinner then printer paper and tears away
pretty easily.

May 24, 1863

Have a wonderful week! Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr.

Next Saturday I will be working on the block called 'Hand Grenade' out of Rosemary's book. It's labor day weekend and the official end of summer. I have been enjoying the cucumbers and tomatoes from my garden. Thinking about maybe making some pickles, or make a batch of salsa... hope that you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend.

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!
Check out Rosemary's website.  Her books and Cd's can be ordered there too!


  1. We forget that people often died much younger in previous times. Thanks for this interesting post.

  2. It hard to imagine that 15 would be considered middle aged. Wow.

  3. Almost halfway finished, I really loved her diary, the historical society had only one of her diaries but quite a few pictures
