
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Olive Juice.... Our Last Stop

 Here's the last stop on our quilting adventure that mom, Laura and I went on last week. I have wanted to visit Olive Juice Quilts since I saw a blog posting about the shop about a year ago. It has been on my must visit list for a while now. So when I saw it listed in mom's community ed book under the Quilt Shop Hop, I knew I had to go. Plus, it would be so much fun to spend the day with mom and Laura! I was giddy with excitement when we pulled up to this shop and it took all that I had to contain myself! I may have squealed in excitement when we pulled in the parking lot....

Love this shop!
Olive Juice Quilts
1258 County Rd PH
Onalaska, Wisconsin
Here we are entering the shop....

I just love these chairs! Laura offered to take a picture of me in  one of the chairs in the front of the shop, but I didn't want to stand out and look like a total geek.... now I wish I would have! Next time!

This is just one of the adorable samples that are on display....

Isn't this cool! This is on the wall of the sewing space Olive Juice has for classes. It is an awesome space and I'm sure it's a sheer joy to work in. I should have taken a picture to show you how wonderful the space was. The lighting was awesome.  I would drive from the Twin Cities to take a class here, it's that awesome.

Beautiful quilts can be found everywhere.... the hexie quilt was featured on the cover of Quilt Sampler Fall 2012 magazine.   Quilt kits for this can be found on their website.

The Batik wall is heavenly....

Here's a nice view of the shop... it just goes on and on, so much to see!

Quilt swag!!! I love swag!!! Thank you so much for the bag of goodies! Loved the chocolate, I have been enjoying the magazine. (Quilt Sampler Fall/Winter 2012)  Your story is wonderful! (pg 78) Directions for the Hexie quilt 'Making The Cut' can be found on page 84.

I had a ton of fun and picked up a 'few' fat quarters!

I loved this too!
Olive Juice Quilts can be found Online, they also have a facebook page too. Take some time to check it out. It is a wonderful shop, so if you can, plan a trip there. It's well worth the drive!

So I'm at the end of sharing my shop hop tour with you. Didn't it look like fun! You don't have to wait for community ed to put the tour together for you, gather up a couple of your friends and plan a shop hop of your own! You will have so much fun!

Happy Quilting,


  1. That looks like a great shop! Thanks for the links!

  2. I was in WI this last weekend, but we didn't travel that far north. Maybe next time. This looks like a great shop to add to my "want to see" list. =)
