
Saturday, February 23, 2013

FNSI sorta....

It was FNSI, sorta...... Last night I wondered if Heidi was having FNSI and thought, I haven't checked.... then my big comfy chair swallowed me up and I fell asleep. This has happened before, many times....
First thing this morning, after I drank a cup of coffee I checked out Heidi's site and shoot it was FNSI last night.... so I quick signed up and started sewing thinking, it's gotta be Friday somewhere....funny thing is.... my husband joined me.  You see, I don't do well when it comes to mending jeans.... so my sweetie brought my other machine upstairs to join me and worked on darning his junkie, work in the garage jeans. Gosh, I love this man! It's been fun sewing together.... So here is what I got done..... my husband refuses to let me take a picture of his darned jeans.  But let me say he's doing a much better job then I would have done! His home-ec teacher would be proud. He's definitely  progressed passed making a pillow.

Paper pieced snowman for a new table runner pattern I'm working on....
I made three of them....

Two of them I put together correctly....

But I was so side tracked with hunk-a-roo sewing....

that I sewed the bottom half of the snowman on wrong!!!
I'm off to rip out some seams and try to selvage the table runner. It's going to be a cute pattern when I'm all done. A few fabric yo-yo's and some beads.... It'll be super cute.  It was fun paper piecing the snowmen.... minus the boo-boo. 

Happy quilting,


  1. Your snowmen are looking great Cindy. What a lovely sewing companion you had!

  2. I would have left your wonky snowman as is. Not all people are the same size, shape, etc. It gives your table runner more character.

  3. Too cute so far!!!! Can't wait to see it all finished!
    Great sewing friend...I usually have furry ones:) haha!!!

  4. That sounds like something my husband would do, although he hasn't sewn yet, I wouldn't put it past him after all he did teach himself to tat!

  5. your snowmen are so cute. your table runner is going to be adorable. i have a man like that also. he is the hunk of my life. he loves to sew. in fact he and my son sew civil war re-enacting clothes for men.(i do the shirts and vests). my men do the wool clothes. so fun watching them create.

  6. I had to laugh at the Hunk-a-roo distraction causing your snowmen to be put together wrong. =D

  7. Can I bring him Brian's pants??? I have probally 10 pairs that need mending.. :)
