
Saturday, October 27, 2012

FNSI Building Houses

Well, I had what was a some what successful FNSI.  I actually got down to my sewing room and worked on some sewing.  Although I had a ton of items that should have taken priority... but I needed to work on something that didn't require cutting or measuring.  So I paper pieced houses.  I got several done for my Building Houses Challenge.  I'm so hopelessly behind on my house quilt.  I've been seeing finished house quilts show up on other blogs and they are gorgeous!  Just wonderful!  The one thing I thought I had going for me at the beginning of the year is not helping me. You see, I decided to use bigger blocks... 4 inch instead of 2 1/2" thinking, less blocks to make.  Giving me a chance to get a 'house' quilt done if I didn't have to make 356 houses.... ackkkk! Statistically I think I would only need about 154 houses. I'm thinking of 1 to 1 1/2" sashing in between all the blocks. I only have about 50 houses finished so far... I'm trying to make it exciting by changing up the house styles instead of using all the same design.... to help keep my interest... I find that this sometimes sidetracks my efforts.  Example.... I've spent the last 4 hours playing around with new design software which I found online free for paper piecing.  I've had a blast!  It's a free download that I found HERE. I've made a wonky jack-o-lantern,  house with a pine tree, trees with a star and then what I have pictured above.... Haunted house. Wouldn't the haunted house be a fun addition to my quilt.  Every town has a haunted house! Then I wonder... don't I need some trees too?  My house quilt is becoming derailed with me overthinking it! Help!!!
Here are my complete houses that I got done during FNSI...

This is one of my favorites!
Happy quilting!


  1. I love your house blocks and that haunted house is beautiful !!

  2. love them all, especially the haunted house--so what's the link for the new free designware for pp?????

  3. your houses are wonderful. i to love the dr suess house. so cute. good luck.

  4. Cindy, you do so many great things. You are amazing. Would you share the link to this program that you are talking about please. Thanks sweets. :)

  5. I admit I am a little um, original in my views, so bearing that in mind, why on earth can't you have trees? You could make a lovely little park, ooh how about a pond, gorgeous! I love the haunted house :) And your constructed houses look great!

  6. Wow.. you made alot of progress. That is my favorite house too. Love them.

  7. How adorable to have Dr Seuss characters in the house! All your other ones are great, too. What a great FNSI!

  8. Hi Cindy, I finished my witch, made a pillow and put it in the flicker Hop group . Hope you like it.. thank you
