
Sunday, September 2, 2012

And The Winners Are....

Oh my goodness!  I should have announced these winners a few days ago!  I still am in shock that it is September.  Where did the summer go! Time flies when you are having so much fun!  So I guess better late then never to announce out lucky winners!

I want to thank everyone who stop by during the 'Bowls on Bowls Blog Hop' I appreciate you all!  Thank you for your cookie comments!  There are sooooo many wonderful cookie favorites out there, yum. I plan on trying a couple of new cookie recipes this Christmas.  It was so much fun seeing all of the bowl projects.  Imagine... all of those different quilts from the same pattern.  So much inspiration!

Now, time for the giveaway! Two lucky winners will win a PDF version of a pattern of their choice from my Etsy Store.

And the winners are.............. Drum roll please.........................................................................................
Wilson, have you chosen our two winners?.....................................
Our two lucky winners are:

Kimberly Cassie @ Quilty Doodads
Kimberly left this great comment!

My favorite cookie recipe...hmmm...head to the. Refrigerated section of the grocery store. Grab one of those flat bags of a dozen precut refrigerated cookie dough (the one in the yellow and brown wrapper). Pop them in the oven and no one will know that you didn't slave over them in the kitchen. My favorites are the ultimate turtles. Yum mm mm

Gmama Jane
Jane left this lovely comment....

I've followed you since the RWB blog hop! I Love Wilson!! Your bowls simply "Bowl Me Over"!!
Gmama Jane

Kimberly Cassie and Gmama Jane please take some time to check out my Etsy Shop and let me know what PDF you would like me to send you. 

I hope that you all have a wonderful day!  I'm off to clean my kitchen (boo) and then to go and play in my sewing studio.  I have all sorts of fun projects to work on for up and coming blog hops and all sorts of other quilty projects that I'm looking forward to sharing with you.

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you,

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