
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Takes Two Quilt Progress....

Life sometimes happens and we need to adapt and adjust.... that's been my summer pretty much.  Last weekend was our scheduled quilt retreat and well, life threw us a curve ball again and I had to get my catchers mitt out and I adapted and made some adjustments.  Quilt retreat was spent at mom and dad's sewing at the dining room table as I helped to care for my dad.  My sister joined us and it was very nice.... I still got to see what everyone was working on and enjoyed visiting with my family.  I maybe didn't get as much done but that's OK.  I allowed myself time to just slow down.... I watched some John Wayne movies with dad while I stitched along, I got to admire my sisters projects.... she's got a super cute block made for the Dots on Dots Blog Hop. Mom worked on a pretty fall quilt.

While at mom and dad's, I worked on my Takes Two Quilt.  I am so hopelessly behind on this project.....  big sigh...... I started my weekend putting my printed instructions in order.... I haven't worked on this in months.  I just faithfully printed up directions twice a month and man, did my stack pile up! So here is what I got accomplished this last weekend....
Here's block #40
It took a while to get pieced together, don't look too close... my set in seams aren't great.
I was able to piece together section A.  Woot! Woot!
These are the blocks I got done this weekend.  I'm in love with the
airplanes... I think they are so sweet.  You can't see it here because I
strategically layered my blocks to hide it, but one block is put together wrong.
I made the same mistake TWICE... so I put the block away for another day....
Happy Quilting and perfect stitches to you,


  1. Your blocks are beautiful, can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  2. Your blocks are really wonderful! I love this quilt, but it is not one that I decided to tackle!

  3. It looks fabulous and I love your section all put together. Nice job.

  4. Love the finished quilt with its little house up the top. I love the planes, the flying geese and in bottom left hand corner a block I don't know looks like an upside down tree!! All that work on the weekend too. Look forward to seeing more.

  5. This is absolutely breathtaking! The blocks are fantastic, the colors and designs just pop out as you look at them. Great Job!

  6. Wow very impressive!!! Love the diamonds in the star!! Stopping in from Plum & June pizza linky!!! Amy from

  7. Your blocks are wonderful. It sounds lovely to be quilting with your family :)

  8. I love red and white quilts. I think your blocks look great. Thanks for sharing.
