
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Games, Music and Knitting

Happy Civil War Saturday!  This week I worked on the block named, 'Games, Music and Knitting'. I got a kick out of this particular entry in Isabella's diary.  Sounds like she had a wonderful day, a happy day even though the Civil War was going on.  I would guess good days were few and far between during the Civil War at times. I love that she finished knitting a sock after being challenged that she couldn't get it done.  That is quite an accomplishment to get done in an evening.  I've knit socks a couple of times, takes me all winter, winters are l-o-n-g in Minnesota. I marvel she got one done in an evening.

My fabrics are similar to what is shown in Rosemary Youngs book, The Civil War Diary Quilt.

I printed up the foundation paper using the companion CD.  The block is broken down into three sections.  I wrote the fabric colors in the different sections so that I can keep track as I sew along.

Sewing on the lines... remember to sew pass the line 1/4" to form a 'seam'.

The three sections are sewn and trimmed, all ready to be pieced together.  This is a 'Churn Dash' block...

'Games, Music and Knitting'
July 20, 1864

Remember to post you Civil War Saturday blocks on the flickr group!  I love to see photos.  Rosemary has a new book out.  'The Civil War Anniversary Quilt'  There is also a companion CD available which I highly recommend if you buy the book.  I've gotten a copy of her new book.  Instead of making one big quilt she has broken it down into three smaller quilts. It'll be awhile before I tackle a quilt from her new book.  Need to get my Civil War Diary Quilt done first. You can order her book through her website.

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you,


  1. I can't wait to read these books! I pinned her website so that I'll remember! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Beautiful piecing, I just sew pieces together, wonder why mine are always whonky, lol.

