
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


It's an online garage sale... I'm destashing!  Oh gosh, so much fabric and some of it I've forgotten what I was going to make with it.... hate when that happens! It's all great fabric, I'm a non-smoker... if you have any questions of any of these treasures, email me.  I'm happy to answer questions.  Payments will be done through paypal and I think I'll have to limit this to my USA friends.... if you are an international friend and really, really want something, email me and we'll work something out.  If you don't want to go through paypal, email me, I'm flexible! Have fun looking through my treasures I'm willing to part with..... I'll even throw in a free Quilt Doodle Pattern with your fabric when I ship it!  It's first come....first serve.... So check out the Destashing! tab above for what I have to offer...

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you,
remember the Think Christmas Blog Hop is going on... I'm going to get back to hopping!

Have a wonderful day,

1 comment:

  1. I can't seem to get your Destashing button to work. I want to know what you have!
