
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Meeting General Lee

Happy Civil War Saturday!  It's been a while since I've posted about my Civil War Diary Quilt.  I'm still working on row 5.  This week I worked on the block named 'Meeting General Lee.  In this passage of Isabella Buchanan Edmondson's diary she writes about meeting General Lee at General Forrest's headquarters.

"...I am perfectly delighted with him, if I had a heart to lose, I think it would be in danger.  God bless both of them, spare time to our Country, and crown them with Victory, in the battle which awaits them...."
Isabella Buchanan Edmondson

It's a super easy block and I took the really easy way out of making it. I could have rotary cut the fabric and sewn it, but I used the foundation paper that I printed from Rosemary's companion CD to the book.  I pretty happy with how the corners all met....
I picked fabric out of my Civil War stash that resembles the fabric in the Civil War Diary Book.

Well.. this is the foundation paper that I printed up from the companion CD.  It has some 'extra' seams printed on it.  I ignored these and "X" them out so I didn't accidentally sew on them for the seams.  As you can see I wrote the colors in the different sections of the block.

Love this handy dandy mini, tiny iron!  Makes those quick ironing moments, like ironing a small seam down so easy!  Don't have to leave my sewing chair, it's right by my sewing machine.

Sewing on the line using a tiny seam....

The four sections of the block are done and trimmed up.  Just need to sewing the sections together.

'Meeting General Lee'
July 8, 1864

Remember to post you Civil War Saturday blocks on the flickr group!  I love to see photos.  I hope that you are able to join me again next Saturday for Civil War Saturday.  I will be working on the block 'Games, Music and Knitting'.
Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you,

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you had an easy block today, hope you have a great Fourth of July week.
