
Friday, April 27, 2012

Prom Is In The Air...

I haven't gotten much done over the last week... Prom is in the air.... my youngest son has asked his sweetie if she will go to prom with him.  It's very cute how he asked her, he WROTE all over his car with window markers.  (His friend, Josh, also had a blast writing on his car too!) Then Thomas drove to her house and handed her a marker for her answer.  Thank goodness she said 'yes'.... of coarse she also had fun drawing hearts and flowers all over his car too... the neighbors slowed down past my house for a few days laughing.  Now I know why.... it doesn't wash off easily.  Oh my, you would have thought the sky was falling.  Luckily I'm married to a brilliant man who used 'paint restore wax' and a buffer.  It took a couple of nights of waxing and buffing. The prom graffiti is gone, Thomas is back to a white car with primer accents!  His big dilemma now is what color to paint his car, dad is working on his car this weekend.  Yesterday 'neon green' was the color of choice.  Wonder what it will be today....

Aren't they cute!


  1. I love it Cindy.....Kids are great! Hope they have a great time at Prom....Judith, Texas

  2. I just love gestures like this! I can’t help it – I’m a hopeless romantic! :D I just love how determined your son was to convince his sweetie. He even used the body of his car as an invitation card for the prom. He’s pretty creative to have thought of that. Inspired, maybe. :) After all, a car can always be repainted, but a wasted chance will always be a wasted chance. Congratulations!

  3. The promenade is one of the most memorable moments in a high school student's life, and this is probably the most expressive way to voice your love to one person! This is one of the sweetest things I have ever read, and I’m sure the memory will live on for him and his sweetie. :)

