
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Arrest Order

Happy LATE Civil War Diary Quilt Saturday!  It's been a while since I've worked on my quilt.  I've been too busy having giveaways and blog hopping... and this weekend was especially busy with getting ready for Easter on Palm Sunday. Had cookies to make, Easter eggs to fill, bread to bake.... a fun busy weekend, so I apologize for the late posting. This last weekend I worked on 'Arrest Order' from Rosemary Youngs book, 'The Civil War Diary Quilt'. 'Arrest Order' is the first block in row 5.  In this diary entry, Isabelle Buchanan Edmondson writes;

"...I was to be arrested and carried to Alton on first boat that passed - for carrying letters through the lines, and smuggling, and aiding the Rebellion in every way in my power - he sent me work I must not think of atteding Jeannie Eve's wedding, or go out of doors at all, he would be compelled to arrest me..."
Isabelle Buchanan Edmondson
The Civil War Diary Quilt Book by Rosemary Youngs

So here is how I completed the next block in Rosemary's book....  
Here are the fabric choices that I pulled out of my Civil War fabric...

I cut my fabric into strips to make it easier to work with.  I also marked my foundation paper so I can keep track while I sew as to what color to sew where.  I printed up foundation papers using EQ5 and Rosemary's companion CD.

Sewing on the line...

Trimming my pieces for the block.

This block is broken down into nine sections.
(two of the sections are sewn together)

The center section all pieced...

Sewing sections together....

'Arrest Order'
April 21, 1864
Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr

Next time I will be working on 'Late Dispatches, Letters and Papers' from the Civil War Dairy Quilt Book. 
Have a wonderful week and hope that you can join me next week as I continue on my Civil War Diary Quilt journey.

Happy quilting!