
Friday, March 9, 2012

Four Rows Done!

I'm celebrating!
Fourth row complete on my
Civil War Diary Quilt!
This is the first time I've seen all the blocks together that I have done so far....
really loving how it looks.
So... I'm having a giveaway!

 I'm so excited about getting a row done on my Civil War Diary Quilt that Wilson and I decided to host a giveaway in celebration! Winner will be announced March 14th. So here's how you can win...

You will receive three, one-third yard cuts of fabric from Marcus Brothers if you win!

It's easy... just post a comment to enter to win... let me know which of the Civil War Quilt blocks you like best so far. Want to up your chances to win? Well, to get an extra name in the bag, click 'follow me' too! Want a third name in the hat?  E-mail  me and tell me what you are currently working on.  I would love to hear about it! How about one more way to win.... click 'like' on my facebook page. (leave a comment letting me know you 'liked' Quilt Doodles on facebook.) On March 14th Wilson and I will draw and announce the lucky winner! We'll assign numbers to all of our entries and then draw a number using

I'm on my way to Cozy Home Quilt Retreat... looking forward to the time spent with my quilting family.  Quality time with my mom, sister and good friend, Kim.  Time spent catching up on some started projects. I'm scared though, my bags and supplies are packed and I'm not bringing much compared with past years.  hummmmmmmmm what did I forget.....

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!


  1. Oh I don't know if I can pick just one favorite block - I love them all! If I had to choose one, it would be the one with Abe in the center.

  2. I am a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. They are all just gorgeous! I'm really liking the flag one in the lower left corner.

  4. Your CWQ blocks are beautiful....I really love the Smuggling Letters block.

  5. Okay Cindy... if we HAVE to choose a favorite block... I really like the green one that's 3rd row down, on the far right. I also like the "flag" one that's 4th row down, far left. How in the world can we choose? Your quilt is going to be SO amazing! The colors are beautiful. And I'm sooo enjoying your blog!! Thank you for sharing your quilting journey with us, and have fun retreating and quiting with your family! I get to "retreat" in May! Can't wait! Warmly, ~pris

  6. Oops - didn't mean to be "anonymous" but not sure how this blog posting stuff works! The above is from Pris in Sammamish... you have my email address. :)

  7. I liked Howering Hawks. I make one of the block and loved it.

  8. i am a Facebook Liker of yours
