
Friday, February 17, 2012


Happy Friday everyone, I have a Friday off from my 'real' job.... it's a brisk, sunny day here in Minnesota and I woke up this morning with high hopes for a wonderful day spent catching up on some projects.  Youngest son is off to school and the house is quiet except for the hum of my dishwasher.  I will be off to breakfast shortly with a dear friend, the perfect way to start off my day.  I'm hoping to return all energized and ready to sew!  I have a quilt to bind, my Civil War Diary quilt to work on and a table runner to finish! (Along with a few other things!)  Hope that you are able to join me for FNSI, it's not too late to sign up!  You can click on the link on my blogs sidebar to join.

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!

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