
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Smuggling Letters....

It was a very productive FNSI although I don't have much to show for it.  I started sewing around 6:00 after feeding my guys some KFC.  I got another block done on my Civil War Diary Quilt and started working on a quilt idea.  Wish I could have gotten more sewing done, but I got bogged down with the math and measuring for blocks.  I've got 6 bear paw quilt squares done.  Then started to work on the 'fish' blocks.  I am stumped on making a 'long skinny' fish that doesn't look like a darn torpedo.  Maybe I'm being to hard on myself.  I quit trying at 11:30 last night... still haven't solved the fish block, but there's always tomorrow.  I'm sure if I start fresh in the morning it will come to me.... so here's what I got done for FNSI...

Here are the fabric choices that I used for 'Smuggling Letters' from Rosemary Youngs book, The Civil War Diary Quilt Book.

This block is broken down into 6 sections, I write the colors on my foundation paper to make it easier to piece.

Here you can see how I combined two of the sections since both of them used the same red fabric.

Three rows done, two more to go!

'Smuggling Letters'

Here's a finished Bear Paw quilt square for my still 'nameless' quilt.... I am using Marcus Brothers Primo Plaid Flannel.  It is so yummy soft to work with.  I love it, this will be such a warm cozy quilt when it is all done...

Notes... notes.... and more notes.... I better start writing the pattern before I forget what all of my scribbles mean!

My stack of Bear Paw pieces all ready for sewing....

Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr

Next weekend I will be working on  'Parlor Activities'.   Hope that you are able to join me next week as I continue on my Civil War Diary Quilt. Have a wonderful weekend, hope that you are able to find some time to quilt! I'm hoping to solve my fishie block and I'm a bit behind on my house building.  Hope that you have a wonderful week stitching!

Happy quilting and perfect stitches to you!


  1. Don't be too worked up about having math issues (they happen to me all the time!); you got quite a bit done & that is the main goal.

    I look forward to seeing what else you choose to work on.

  2. I haven't worked on my Civil War Diary blocks in a while. The book is still laying on the edge of my sewing table covered in dust just waiting for some attention. Your continued CWD post will help me move along!

  3. I'd say you had quite a productive night; your blocks look terrific. Looking forward to seeing how your un`named quilt comes along. Maybe your fish could have fins so it wouldn't look "torpedo-y". (Although I love your current depiction, too!)

  4. Looks quite productive to me. Although it did take me a second to figure out what FNSI was, LOL! Weren't torpedos designed after long skinny fish? Ergo, it's just fine if your fish looks like a torpedo, JMHO.
