
Thursday, October 27, 2011

'Southern Flags and Patriotism'

May 1, 1861
"A very cold morning. The wind commenced blowing after breakfast and blew all day hard. Posey put out Southern Flag. He and his pa went to the mines to hear the Judge speak."

June 14, 1861
"Another beautiful day in Wytheville. Saw a flag presented to Miss BuckHaven to the Smythe Caualding from the Smythe Lady. We went to the depot to see the troops.  I supposed two thousand. I started home about six o'clock got to Richards at eight and stayed all night."

Hannah Walton Sanders
Civil War Diary Quilt Book
by Rosemary Youngs

Happy Friday!  I'm posting early since I'm on my way to quilt retreat with my mom, sisters and quilting friends.  I hope to have all sorts of fun stuff to share with you!  So an early Civil War Saturday post... so let's get started with 'Southern Flags and Patriotism'...I choose red, white and blue, just like what is pictured in the book.  I have always enjoyed sewing with red, white and blue.  Love the star block!  Can't wait to do it.  This block is broken down into six sections using foundation paper for paper piecing.

Here I am sewing the blue and red stripe section.  I printed up my foundation paper using EQ 5 and Rosemary's companion CD.  Notice, I am sewing on the lines and past each section into the 1/4 seam allowance.

Here the star is done for our block.  Love it!

Southern Flags and Patriotism

Next week I will be working on 'Mail Delivery' from Rosemary's book.

Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr

Happy quilting!

The Civil War Diary Quilt Book can be bought through paypal or through the mail from Rosemary Youngs...
The Civil War Diary Quilt book is available for $22.99 plus $4.95 priority mail, (global priority mail $11.95) . You can order the CD with the book, you will need  Electric Quilt 5 or 6 to run the CD, the CD alone is $10 and there is no extra charge for postage when you order the book with the CD, total cost for the CD with the book will be $32.99 plus your postage.
Send a check or money order to Rosemary Youngs, 3704 Nicole Ct., Walker, MI 49534

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time on the retreat, can't wait to hear how much fun you have. Love that flag block .
