
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sewing, Jan 29, 1861

Sewing is the name of the block that I worked on this weekend from Rosemary Youngs Civil War Diary Quilt Book.  I thought about sewing and what it means to me as I worked on this block.  Sewing is relaxing to me, it's an expression of my creativity and a source of many of my friendships.  Thinking about Hannah William Sanders, I'm sure sewing was also those things to her too.  Although sewing during her time was a necessity.  In her diary entries she writes about sewing pants.  It's been a very long time since I've sewn any type of clothing.  I used to sew for my boys when they were little.  But my sewing has evolved into quilting.  There's just something about working with needle, thread and material that is so calming to me. 

Join me as I work on 'Sewing'....
Here are fabrics that I pulled aside for this block.  I decided to use the gold, light green, dark green and the cream.  I decided against the cream/brown print.  Although it would have looked nice too.

I printed up the foundation paper from the companion CD.... I took extra time to make sure to 'reverse' colors in the sections so that I don't end up with a mirror image of the block.  Which of coarse still turns out nicely and no one is going to know if it turns out 'backwards'... I wanted to see if I could figure out how to get my center pinwheel to spin the correct way. 

Here I am paper piecing the first section.  This block is broken down into 10 sections.

Here are the 10 sections ready to be pieced together.

Sewing the sections together.... on the line....

The center section is done.  This is all paper pieced.  Now I'm sure I'm breaking some sort of sewing rule.  But I rotary cut out the outer triangles to sew them in place.  I used the foundation paper as a guide for the correct size.

Here I am sewing on the outer triangles... this is where I'm sure I'm breaking some sacred quilting rule, oops.  I'm all about getting the block put together, however it takes.

Yeah!  My pinwheel is spinning the correct direction!

"Sewing" 1861

Remember to post your progress on the Civil War Diary Quilt Group on Flickr

Next time I will be working on 'Southern Flags and Patriotism' from the Civil War Dairy Quilt Book.  But first I will have to celebrate a third row done on my Civil War Diary Quilt.  So look for the give-away next week!  I am thinking that I should start sewing blocks together with the inner border strips.  I just haven't decided how I want to do it for sure.  I'm thinking of using some aged muslin from Marcus Brothers for the inner border strips and setting corner blocks of various Civil War fabrics.  Similar to what Rosemary shows on page 281 for the 'Freedom Quilt" by Susan Zomberg.  I can see it in my mind, but not sure if that's what I want to do yet. 

Have a wonderful week and hope that you can join me next week as I continue on my Civil War Diary Quilt journey.

Happy quilting!

The Civil War Diary Quilt Book can be bought through paypal or through the mail from Rosemary Youngs...
The Civil War Diary Quilt book is available for $22.99 plus $4.95 priority mail, (global priority mail $11.95) . You can order the CD with the book, you will need  Electric Quilt 5 or 6 to run the CD, the CD alone is $10 and there is no extra charge for postage when you order the book with the CD, total cost for the CD with the book will be $32.99 plus your postage.
Send a check or money order to Rosemary Youngs, 3704 Nicole Ct., Walker, MI 49534

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