
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Scrappy Hats QAL Day 8

Welcome to Day 8

Today's hat brim uses an hour glass block. A classic pieced block. We will use an easy technique to make our hour glass block without have to cut any separate triangles. Allow an hour for sewing time even though it may not take you very long to make this block. I hope that you are enjoying your sewing time every day. Just think, we are over half way thru with our snowman blocks. I really enjoy my quiet time spent in my sewing room., I usually listen to an audiobook as I sew. It's heaven, doing two of my favorite things at once. Being read to and sewing, add a diet coke and it's complete bliss. Belvedere doesn't always join me while I'm sewing like Wilson used to. Belvedere is pretty independent and enjoys having me preoccupied with sewing so he can rummage thru a garbage can or take a snooze in my favorite chair. I hope that you take time to post your finished blocks to Instagram using the hashtag #scrappyhatsqal @quiltdoodledesigns

You will only use two fabrics for the Hourglass blocks. Cut the fabric squares out according to the directions. (Fabric A and B)

On the lighter fabric squares, draw a line diagonally corner to corner on the wrong side of the fabric.

Pair fabric A and B together right sides together and sew a scant 1/4" seam on each side of the drawn diagonal line. Cut the two sections apart on the diagonal line. Press the seam to the dark side.

Place the two half square triangle blocks right sides together lining up dark fabric triangle against the light fabric triangle.

Draw a diagonal line corner to corner 'opposite' the seam line.

Sew  a scant 1/4" on each side of the drawn line. 

Cut the two sections apart on the diagonal line. Press the blocks open. Square the hour glass block to measure 3 1/2" x 3 1/2". You have 4 blocks made with this technique, you will only use three of them for the hat brim.

Rotate the hour glass blocks as shown and then sew them together to form an hour glass block strip for the hat brim.

Assemble the snowman block by sewing the hat block to the top of the hat brim strip and then sew the snowman face onto the bottom of the hat brim strip. Press. The finished block measures 9 1/2" x 11 1/2"

~ Snowman Hour Glass Block ~

Remember the carrot and eyes are not added to the block yet!

Isn't it fun making snowman blocks! I just love them! If you feel extra ambitious, you can make extra ones for an adorable table runner to match your quilt! See you tomorrow for the next snowman quilt block! Remember to share your block on Instagram #scrappyhatsqal @quiltdoodledesigns

Happy Quilting!
Cindy and Belvedere

You can also click on this link to purchase the instant PDF Download of the Scrappy Hats Pattern.

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