
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Scrappy Hats QAL Day 12

Welcome to Day 12

Whew, it's already day 12! As you read this I will be running around Houston checking out International Quilt Market... so excited to go. It's a quick trip, I flew in on Friday and I'm heading home on Sunday, so a quick trip and I have grand plans on all that I'm going to do while in Houston. I'll be doing some Instagram posts from market so check it out after you get your block done! Today's block is called 'Friendship Stars' very fitting since I'll be seeing some of my quilty friends in Houston! I would allow an hour to complete today's block. You may not need a full hour.... enjoy your sewing time today and make sure to make time to work on other projects too! I'm sure I will come back from market with all sorts of inspiration and the itch to lock myself in my studio to sew. The bummer is, I'll have laundry and those other household items to catch up on. Plus I'm sure Belvedere will insist on sitting on my lap to nap. He's so cuddly and sweet and will follow me around as soon as I walk in the door.

Remember there is no set colors or fabrics for the snowman blocks. I want to encourage you to make the quilt your own. If you don't want to think too hard about it you can follow the colors I have illustrated in the pattern.

I am using yellow for my background color and then I'm making a blue, pink and green star for the hat brim. Following the pattern, I have all my items cut out and ready to sew.

On the 1 7/8" x 1 7/8" background squares, draw a line diagonally corner to corner on the wrong side of the fabric. Then pair these up with the squares that are cut for each star. (I like to chain sew).

Sew a scant 1/4" seam on each side of the drawn diagonal line.

Cut apart on the diagonal line. Press the seam towards the darker fabric. Square these up to measure 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" . 

Lay the half square triangles with the background and star center squares following the diagram in the pattern.

Sew the block together using a 1/4" seam. The Friendship Star block will measure 3 1/2" x 3 1/2".

Then sew the Friendship Stars together to make the hat brim.

To complete the block, sew the hat brim strip to the hat rectangle and snowman face block. Press.

~ Friendship Star Snowman Block ~

Remember the carrot and eyes are not added to the block yet!

Isn't it fun making snowman blocks! I just love them! If you feel extra ambitious, you can make extra ones for an adorable table runner to match your quilt! See you tomorrow for the next snowman quilt block! Remember to share your block on Instagram #scrappyhatsqal @quiltdoodledesigns

Happy Quilting!
Cindy and Belvedere

You can also click on this link to purchase the instant PDF Download of the Scrappy Hats Pattern.

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